Formerly a sail loft, a whale oil factory, an old grain store, and a boat builder’s shed, the distinctive building now known as the Old Sculpin Gallery is now home to the Martha’s Vineyard Art Association, which maintains it as a gallery and studio spaces.
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58 Dock Street, Edgartown, MA 02539
http://oldsculpingallery.orgFormerly a sail loft, a whale oil factory, an old grain store, and a boat builder’s shed, the distinctive building now known as the Old Sculpin Gallery is now home to the Martha’s Vineyard Art Association, which maintains it as a gallery and studio spaces.
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Old Sculpin Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard Art Association
Old Sculpin Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard Art Association
Old Sculpin Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard Art Association
Old Sculpin Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard Art Association
Old Sculpin Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard Art Association
Old Sculpin Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard Art Association
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Wednesday, September 11, 2024 4:22pm